Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Having Fun

Why do we take fun so seriously these days? Somewhere between our first finger painted masterpiece in kindergarten and today, our ‘’fun-meter’’ got stuck. Sure, getting older may be a factor in the shelf life of our ability to do many things – but what ever happened to the ‘’older, but wiser’’ philosophy? And, why can’t it apply to just having a good time? We need to throw away this tired outlook and reclaim our enthusiasm for fun, fun, and fun! And I’m not talking about the kind of reckless, self-involved fun that gets you thrown in an exclusive jail for 45 days – I’m talking about being able to throw your head back in laughter and really having a good time.

Single people are often confronted with having the idea of fun defined by married friends or ‘’shiny, happy’’ couples who claim to have their best interest at heart. In their attempts to keep the single person from facing a lifetime of loneliness and cooking for one, fun becomes a monster to be tamed.

But why does being single mean having to cope with loneliness? The answer is, it doesn’t. Fun is about ‘’fun’’. Just that and nothing more. Fun is doing what makes you happy and puts a smile on your face. It’s about letting go of being afraid and taking risk, maybe doing something new may bring you happiness. When you are having fun, you are at your best. And, as a single person, I’m here to tell you that fun is no monster, it’s just having fun, and nothing else.

What is your definition for fun? I have discovered that I have the most fun when I keep it simple. With the insane gas prices and money being tight, I’ve discovered more things to do that cost little and bring a lot of joy to an evening or day. I like having ‘’Movie Nights’’ with friends where we choose a film for that week; everybody makes food and drink for the evening. It’s a great way to check in with friends and make certain that you spend some time together. While you can have just as much fun watching a good film on your own and enjoying a nice dinner, the pleasure of sharing with others is unparalleled.

Does this mean that being alone or sharing the evening with your darling pet just doesn’t add up? Absolutely not. Being alone, and feeling comfortable in your own company does not mean that you are finding substitutes for the company of others. It simply means that you have more options than someone who has responsibilities to others. Moreover, it indicates that you have a healthy attitude and enjoy your own company as well as that of others.

In my opinion, the simpler you keep the concept of ‘’fun’’, the less seriously you will take it. Getting older shouldn’t have to be complicated and difficult. And if you want to take up finger painting as an adult, do it - but make certain that you have a good laugh in the process too.

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